Good morning, Search Marketer, don't roll your eyes just yet,
Yesterday, Google said if you're using Smart Bidding, it will start surfacing suggestions for setting existing keywords in your account to broad match. I know what you're thinking: The dreaded, budget-hogging, broad match? And after Google has started black-boxing a good portion of our query data? Not a chance.
OK, you can roll your eyes, but hear me out.
This continues to be where paid search is heading and it requires a different frame of mind — one closer to paid social where we are far more accustomed to loosening control and letting the algorithms run and learn.
The matching isn't always going to be perfect (and in some cases, will probably be down right terrible), but when coupled with Smart Bidding's signals and bidding controls, the wider net cast by broad match could yield incremental conversions and stay within your targets.
If you're still skeptical, I get it. But you might want to give it a shot and start testing the recommendations. One caveat is I would add broad matches rather than "switching" existing phrase match or broad match modifiers to broad as Google suggests. There is some good discussion about this on Twitter, too.