One of the advertising industry's venerable publications recently covered the news that digital exceeded $100 billion in ad spend last year for the first time. The editors highlighted increases in digital audio, digital out-of-home and social media advertising spending. Search ad spending was mentioned after all the other categories were covered. Grudgingly, the report acknowledged search advertising accounted for nearly $50 billion in spend and nearly 50% of all digital. Rodney Dangerfield got more respect. Our profession deserves better. So it's with great pride that we'll be hosting the Search Engine Land Awards June 4 in Seattle, to honor our peers for the excellence they practice every day in SEM and SEO. Hundreds of agencies, brands and individuals were nominated in 17 categories. You can see all of the categories and finalists here. Perhaps best of all, Search Engine Land Awards is an inclusive celebration. We produce it in conjunction with SMX Advanced in Seattle, and all 1,500 attendees are invited, along with nominees and VIP industry guests. The SEL Awards & After Party is a casual, fun experience you'll enjoy. Leave your tux or prom dress at home. On behalf of the Search Engine Land team, we're looking forward to celebrating our industry and profession… and giving them the respect they deserve. And to the finalists, enjoy the spotlight. You've earned it! Chris Elwell, CEO, Third Door Media Want your moment on the Soapbox? Email |