Good morning, search marketers, hopefully this will be a good week for monthly reporting.
Be sure to check the Google Ads interface before you start on any monthly reports this week. At the time of this writing, Google was still working on a fix to correct reporting for April 30 and May 1. When it's been cleared up, you'll see an updated notice in the web UI. This affected all of Google Ads interfaces.
In yet another reminder of the importance of your own website, consumers say they trust the accuracy of SMBs' sites over Google My Business. That's from a recent consumer survey from BrightLocal, which also showed people prefer to engage with businesses by phone more than by email and messaging. Does that mean you should forget about those channels? No, but don't ignore the contingent of your customers that still want you to pick up the phone.
Lots more below, including a pro tip on creating dynamic dashboards (speaking of reporting), Star Wars mode in GSC and more.
Ginny Marvin,