🔍 More smart bidding signals on the horizon

Good morning, search marketers, it's good to be back.

You may not have noticed I was gone last week, thanks to my colleague George Nguyen who kept the helm steady while I was away for a bit of family time. Jumping back in…

If you're using Google's smart bidding (target CPA, maximize conversions, etc.) in any of your Shopping or App campaigns, take note that some new signals will "soon" come into play. Price competitiveness and seasonality will be factors in automated bidding for Shopping campaigns, and an app's ratings and reviews will play a factor in App campaigns.

No announcement on when these signals might roll out; we noticed them on a help page, but the coming additions bring up the bigger conversation about automation and transparency and performance. More signals, more data should theoretically mean better algorithms and better performance, right? I'd love to know what you're seeing with smart bidding. Email me at I'm no Luddite when it comes to automation, but the transparency tradeoff — having some insight into which signals are playing what roles in bids, for example — could stand to be more balanced.

If you haven't entered the Search Engine Land Awards, there's still time. There are 17 categories in which to show off your SEO or SEM innovation and success stories. We're accepting entries until 11:59 PST this Friday, April 26. The winners will be announced at a celebration party during SMX Advanced in Seattle this June (psst, early bird rates expire April 27).

Ginny Marvin

Pro Tip

Let's get back to basics: What are Accelerated Mobile Pages?

"Accelerated mobile pages are essentially stripped down HTML copies of existing webpage content that offer faster load times than standard HTML5 documents," explains Kristopher Jones of LSEO. "Websites can serve AMP pages by implementing the rel=amphtml tag into their HTML. Pages with AMP code contain a three-step AMP configuration. 1) HTML: A stripped down and unique markup of traditional HTML code with unique tags. 2) JS: Used to fetch resources and stripped down to eliminate unnecessary rendering. 3) CDN: An optimized network designed to cache pages and adapt them to AMP code immediately."

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The Secret Formula For Determining A Marketing Budget

Sponsored by Sharpspring

Determining a marketing budget can be frustrating. Are you investing enough? How do you know if what you're doing is working? This guide from SharpSpring outlines two simple equations you can use to take a lot of the guesswork out of the budgeting process.

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Search Shorts

Take it slow and read between the lines

Slow it down. Google confirms that anything you embed on your web pages can potentially slow down the page you are embedding it on.

[Brackets]. Did you know that when Google quotes search query examples they tend to put them in brackets instead of using quotes?

Read between the lines. Sometimes it is better to try not to read between the lines when Googlers say things — at least according to one Googler.


What we're reading

We've curated our picks from across the web so you can retire your feed reader

Adjusting Keyword Strategy for Optimal SEO Results – Go Fish Digital

Google Defends Search Results: Again No Influence On Ads Or Google Analytics – Search Engine Roundtable

Google Lens might add a translation filter to auto-detect languages in the very near future – Mashable

Multi-Brand Strategy for Education: Google Ads – PPC Hero

SEO Hacks for Beginners: Quick Tips to Get Started Today – Search Engine Guide

Structured data for SEO & winning Rich Snippets – Bitvero

UK offers government info through Alexa and Google Assistant – Engadget

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Gain expert SEO & SEM tactics to drive your campaign's success. Attend SMX Advanced, June 3-5!

Attend Search Engine Land's SMX Advanced, June 3-5, 2019 for expert-led sessions, networking (including the 2019 Search Engine Land Awards), and top amenities including WiFi, delicious meals, and snacks. This is your once-a-year event to learn only advanced SEO and SEM tactics. You'll come away with at least one tactic that you can immediately put to use… we guarantee it. View rates and register today!