Good morning, search marketers, happy Monday to you!
Google's slumping ad revenue growth took a turn upward last quarter. Parent company Alphabet reported Google advertising revenues increased by 22% year over year to $32.6 billion. Ad revenue from Google's own properties (Search, Maps, Gmail, YouTube, Play Store, Shopping) grew by 24% year over year to $27.3 billion. Click volume is not growing as fast as it had been in 2018, and while overall CPC growth is still in negative territory, it was off by 11% last quarter compared to minus 26% in the second quarter of 2018.
CFO Ruth Porat noted YouTube CPCs, which Google used to name as a primary cause for falling CPC growth along with mobile, appear to be ticking up. Porat noted YouTube's click and CPC growth during the earnings call and said it was again the second largest contributor of revenue growth for the quarter.
When asked what Google Marketing Live product announcements he's most excited about, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said discover and gallery ads.
Several SEOs report continued problems with Google My Business shortnames that cause listings to disappear. Google had said the issue was resolved. Are you still experiencing problems? Let us know:
Read on for a Pro Tip on making your mobile site faster, Search Shorts and more.
Ginny Marvin