Good morning search marketers,
Still celebrating National Emoji Day? OK, I know it's kind of silly, but on our editorial call Wednesday morning, we were talking about Postmates' launch of emoji search — you can put in a burrito emoji to search for available burrito options, for example — and realized we hadn't taken a look at emoji search results on Google or Bing lately. So we dug in.
What struck us: 1. Emoji search results aren't the same as those of their text equivalents. 2. There are search optimization opportunities with emojis, particularly for video. Google tends to serve a video carousel on emoji searches that is likely to include videos with the emoji itself or the word that matches the emoji in their titles. And, those with the queried emojis in the titles often appear ahead of videos without them.
We're not saying emoji search has taken off (though you can even put emojis in Google Trends to get a sense of how popular emoji search is on Google), but hey, it could become more popular on mobile, particularly if users get used to searching with emoji on apps like Postmates and Yelp.
Read on for a Pro Tip from Frederick Vallaeys on making automations like Smart Bidding work, well, smarter, by adding your own automation checks on top. Automation isn't slowing down, but Frederick says, "Here's the thing though… we don't have to be the victims of automation. We can use it to build better agencies and stronger PPC teams.
Ginny Marvin