🔍 The 'promotional trifecta' of content marketing

Good morning search marketers, welcome to July!

Are your content marketing efforts delivering the results you need? Amanda Milligan, marketing director at Fractl, has honed strategies for attracting top-tier media coverage by creating data-driven content and promoting it strategically. At SMX Advanced last month, Amanda outlined what Fractl calls the "promotional trifecta" that makes content successful: a surprise factor, appealing to a wide audience and original data. 

The data can either be original to you or data that you compile and present in a unique way. 

If you don't have data of your own and are wondering where to start, use this tip from one of Amanda's team members:  "It sounds obvious: just type in your subject and the word 'data' in Google, and it will reveal databases that you didn't even know existed." You can listen to Amanda's SMX Insights talk here.

One thing 2016 will be known for is off-base polling results around the U.S. presidential race. Location and search query data could deliver better voter predictions than polling this time around — which points to other ways that data can be used to predict marketing outcomes. Search data can indicate popular interest in a candidate, but there are some problems with relying on it alone, wrote Contributing Editor Greg Sterling. For one, search volumes may not be representative of the voting public or indicate intent. This is similar to the way that online social media activity around brand sentiment doesn't reliably predict offline buying behavior.

Event attendance, store visitation, change of life events data, which can all be tracked using location can be combined to build reliable and predictive models. They can then be used for political ad targeting and for predictive analytics: who's likely to vote and for whom. "Depending on your perspective, this is either exciting or frightening," Greg acknowledges.

On that deep thought, I hope you have a wonderful week. I'm off for a few days, and our Associate Editor George Nguyen will be taking the newsletter reins while I'm away. Have a great week, and keep reading below for a Pro Tip on driving conversions with YouTube and much more.

Ginny Marvin

Pro Tip

How do I drive conversions with YouTube?

"Contrary to what Google tells you, you should actually limit your reach when you first launch a campaign on YouTube," explains Ashley Mo of 3Q Digital. "You have to use target CPA, which is automated bidding, with a TrueView for action campaign. It's machine learning, so it takes time to learn. If you allow it to target anyone across or the video partner network on desktop or mobile, it could very easily spend hundreds of dollars, not drive many conversions and use up a large portion of your budget before you get meaningful results. I think, for the most part, desktop-only targeting is going to work better than mobile as well as opting out of video partners. I can say that from experience, the traffic is premium. We see people click at a much higher rate and convert at a much higher rate. So just make sure you go through all of your campaign settings when you set up your campaign to make sure you uncheck a lot of the Google defaults to make sure you're limiting the scope. That's not to say that you shouldn't run on mobile, because that is where over half of the YouTube views are. But, once you see that performance is consistent and that the target CPA stabilizes, then you can use that as an option to expand for scale."

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Create Landing Pages That Convert

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If you're looking to gather leads for your business, you need to have a landing-page strategy. This guide is written for any marketer looking to initiate or improve their landing-page strategy. It will guide you through the entire process of creating and optimizing landing pages, highlighting key points along the way.

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Ask the Editors

Your questions answered: Periodic Table of SEO Factors

Last month, we held a webinar on our 2019 Periodic Table of SEO Factors and weren't able to address all the questions. Search Engine Land editors Barry Schwartz and Detlef Johnson will be answering many of them here in the days ahead.

Is Google actually penalizing sites without HTTPS?

No – there is no ranking penalty for just being plain HTTP. There is a ranking boost for being HTTPS. 

With HTTP, users will see browser warnings, including in Google Chrome. The search engines can favor secure sites over non-secure sites.

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Search Shorts

Google algorithm update, pipelining & frameworks.

Google ranking update? We are tracking some chatter around a possible Google algorithm update that kicked off on June 27.  Google has not yet confirmed it, if that changes, we will let you all know.

HTTP pipelining. GoogleBot does not support HTTP pipelining for submitting multiple HTTP requests in a single TCP connection, Gary Illyes from Google confirmed.

Web frameworks and SEO. There's a new SEO mythbusting video around how frameworks might play into SEO from Google's Martin Splitt and Jason Miller.

Google Zurich. Will you be in Zurich on July 12? If so, you can go to the Google Zurich

What we're reading

We've curated our picks from across the web so you can retire your feed reader

Do Searchers Find Value in User-Generated Content Search Results? – Go Fish Digital

Engage With Qualified Users by Giving Them Your Best Content – Metric Theory

GIF-ing you a way to say LOL, haha or jajaja from Google Images – Google Blog

Google Says Site Migrations Can Take A Day Or So If Done Correctly – Search Engine Roundtable

Grab a seat and be on time with new transit updates on Google Maps – Google Blog

Hoy w Rituals used Google Marketing Platform to become a global brand – Google Blog

How to Deliver JSON-LD Recommendations the Easy Way – Whiteboard Friday – Moz

Reevaluating Google's Fake News Core Update – The Latest! – Search Metrics

Transit crowdedness trends from around the world, according to Google Maps – Google Blog

Ultimate Guide to TF-IDF & Content Optimization – iPullRank

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