🔍 How does your company support learning? | Zero-click searches keep rising

Good morning search marketers, do you have time in your day to keep up with all the changes?

"Really ask about what your day-to-day is going to be like, ask about how many clients you're going to have," Ruth Burr, former head of SEO at Moz and current VP of Strategy at UpBuild, told Barry Schwartz in a chat for his video series

To be successful at search marketing, you need to stay in-the-know about changes in the industry. "One question I recommend people asking," says Ruth is, "How much time do you expect people to spend while at work learning about changes in the industry? How do you defend that time? How do you support that learning? Or is this something I'm only going to be doing at 11:00 p.m.?" Watch the full 10-minute interview to hear how Ruth's view of SEO as "humans creating things for humans, with machines as the intermediary" guides her work and more. 

If you were looking for a sign that political tolerance in the U.S. for the tech giants is shifting: On Tuesday afternoon, the head of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said, for the first time, that breaking up companies was on the table. In particular, the FTC could compel the "unwinding of acquisitions" such as Waze (Google), WhatsApp, Instagram (Facebook), among others, reports Greg Sterling. We'll have to see if action follows, but discussions about regulatory considerations similar to those in the EU are no longer off the table. 

In an update to a study that was cited in congressional hearings last month, Rand Fishkin of SparkToro says that in June, for the first time, more than 50% of Google searches ended without a click to organic or ad content. Looking at clickstream data provided by Jumpshot, the study estimates Google accounts for 94% of U.S. searches. There are broad implications for businesses when more and more searches never get to their sites from search results. 

Rand will be discussing these trends and ramifications in a keynote at SMX East on November 13 in New York City. Check out the full agenda here, and be sure to take a look at the dedicated tracks on agency operations and multi-location businesses if you're in those sectors. 

Read on for a Pro Tip on remarketing lists and more. 

Ginny Marvin

Pro Tip

Here's how testing remarketing lists can pay off

"When [Microsoft internal data] looked at consumers and home improvement professionals in the purchase funnel, we found that consumers took an average of 38 days to complete a purchase, while professionals took an average of 32 days. Both audiences were typically more engaged toward the end of their journeys," explains Joe Kruger of Microsoft. "To account for these unique purchase journeys, home improvement brands should consider testing remarketing lists with conversion window lengths of 7 and 30 days to be there for the month long journey observed for both consumers and professionals. Serve up different ad copy for short and long journeys and for the consumer and professional audiences. Finally, since both consumers and professionals were more engaged toward the end of their journeys, use remarketing to segment and prioritize users by frequency to capture those return visitors."

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Search Shorts

Spam, links, humans and more.

Removing disavowed links. Did you know that when you remove a link from your disavow file, that link is no longer disavowed

No humans. No, Google doesn't hand rank web pages or featured snippets — it just can't and does not work that way, says Danny Sullivan of Google.

Native lazy loading support. Since Chrome 76 supports native lazy loading, so will the evergreen GoogleBot rendering engine, said Martin Splitt of Google.

Don't spam Google. It just isn't a good idea to spam Google with link spam emails when those people work with the spam team. Just don't do it.

What we're reading

We've curated our picks from across the web so you can retire your feed reader

110: Barry Schwartz on Core Updates, Productivity, Stress & His Story – Evolving SEO

Google Testing Bigger Fonts In Search Results – Search Engine Roundtable

How to Get Started Building Links for SEO – Moz

How to Use Google Ads Audiences at Every Stage of the Marketing Funnel – Metric Theory

Identifying, Monitoring and Extracting Schema Tags – DeepCrawl

Portfolio SEO – Canonical Gifting Content Across Web Properties – Nick LeRoy

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