Good morning search marketers, do you have a review acquisition strategy?
We know reviews matter, but how strong is the connection between reviews, star ratings and revenue? A study of more than 200,000 small businesses across multiple industries around the U.S. found a strong correlation between higher review counts and higher revenue. It also found that business that claimed their listing on multiple sites earn 58% more revenue than the average and those with more reviews across multiple sites generate 54% more revenue. Those businesses that respond to reviews earn considerably more revenue than those that don't.
Let's turn to images. When it comes to image recognition technology accuracy, Google Vision came out on top in a recent study by Perficient Digital, beating out AWS Rekognition, IBM Watson and Microsoft Azure Computer Vision. But the real news is that, on the whole, these technologies have become very good. With the exception of IBM Watson, the image recognition tools had accuracy results above 75%, compared to the human-tagged identification accuracy rate of 87.7%. Google and Bing both use image recognition in search, and it's likely the algorithms they each use in search are a bit more advanced than what they release in their public APIs.
Speaking of image search, Google Image search has a new preview box that started rolling out yesterday. Instead of popping up in the middle of the screen, the new image preview displays on the right-hand side of the screen and doesn't block any of the images in the search results. Keep an eye on your visits from Google Image search to see if the new design has any impact on your traffic.
Last but not least, if you're managing a lot of accounts and sub-accounts in a Google Ads manager account, check out the new account map. Located under Tools in the UI, account map can make it easier to visualize and navigate around your accounts, see performance metrics and shared retargeting pools, conversion tracking pixels, labels and account managers.
Read on for a Pro Tip on the newish ads performance metrics Impressions (Top) % and Impressions (Abs. Top) % and more.
Ginny Marvin